Saturday, May 26, 2012

3rd Post for Chapters 13-18

page 135

After the captain comes to bring the bad news to Mr. Jarvis, the author says " Out of a cloudless sky these things come." This can be interpreted literally, because there is a cloudless sky over the farm, but I think it means something deeper. I think it means that even when things seem to be going well, horrible events can take place....(or something along those lines).

Any thoughts?


  1. I think that it could go both ways as in a cloudless sky, miracles can happen and at the same time something awful could happen as well. I found this and thought it was something to think about
    "So he prayed, and Zeus the All-Knowing heard him. At once the god thundered from shining Olympus out of a cloudless sky, and noble Odysseus rejoiced"

  2. Yeah, your explanation is exactly what it means. When I read the sentence you wrote I immediately thought of a storm coming out of nowhere from a cloudless sky.
