Saturday, May 26, 2012

1st Post for Chapters 32-36

from page 245

When Mr. Jarvis says "go well," why doesn't Kumalo say "stay well?" Is he angry at Mr. Jarvis. Mr. Jarvis was very kind to him, even though Kumalo's son killed his son, and he even gave the priest milk for the dying children. Why doesn't he thank Jarvis for what he has done?


  1. I'm not sure, but I think he kind of wanted some way to know he was guilty at the moment, especially if Mr. Jarvis was mad at him. Possibly, maybe hes not even angry and we are all just thinking of it wrongly.

  2. Post 3 Chapter 32-36
    I think Stephen Kumalo was angry at Jarvis because not only did he not say "go well," but he also didn't help Jarvis with his saddle and birdle or thank him for the milk. I think Stephen was resentful towards Jarvis because he holds Jarvis responsible for the death of his son by hanging. It's ironic because Absalom really did kill Arthur Jarvis but Mr. Jarvis doens't hold Stephen Kumalo reponsible or resent the family in any such way. It's actually quite the opposite where Stephen Kumalo holds the Jarvis family responsible for the hanging of his son Absalom where in reality it's not the Jarvis families fault.
